What is Laravel ?
Laravelis an open-source PHP web framework designed for developers to create web applications. So what is laravel? . It is robust and easy to understand. Laravel reuses the current components from different frameworks to create a web application. Therefore, the web application is logical and structured. Laravel features increase the speed of web development. Additionally, a website designed in Laravel is secure and prevents various web attacks.It is mandatory to be familiar with HTML, Core PHP, and Advance PHP to attain a better understanding of Laravel.
Benefits of Laravel
Laravel framework is very popular among the developers for its robust features. It provides the right tools to build websites that are faster, secure, stable, and easy to maintain.
Authentication and Authorization
Laravel provides a simple method to authenticate the user actions. The authentication services are provided out-of-the-box. It also provides a simple way to establish authorization logic and access control to the other resources.
Mail Services Integration
Laravel offers a simple API over the Swift Mailer library. Laravel also offers drivers for SparkPost, Mailgun, SMTP, Mandrill, Amazon SES, PHP’s mail function, and send mail. It sends mail from a local or cloud-based service. Apart from sending email, it also supports to send notification across delivery channels including Slack and SMS.
Integration to make Web Application faster
Laravel supports cache backends like Redis andMemcached out-of-the-box. With Laravel, you can configure multiple cache configurations. Integration with other tools speeds the web application.
Fixing the Technical Vulnerabilities
Laravel helps to protect the web application by securing it against the major security risks.
Configuring Error and Exception Handling
Laravel is integrated with a built-in exception handler. It provides support for multiple of log handlers.
Automation Testing
Once the web application is completed in the Laravel framework, then automated testing can be performed.
Configuring URL Routing
All Laravel routes are automatically loaded by the framework.
Presentation Code is separated from Business Logic Code
Using Laravel is cheaper in price when compared with other frameworks as the presentation code is separated from the business logic code. You can change the appearance of the website without the help of developers.
Scheduling Tasks Configuration and Management
The task is defined in a scheduled method. In the past, developers need to generate entry and they need to schedule them. Now, the Laravel command scheduler provides the command schedule within the Laravel itself.
Configuring Message Queue System
The Laravel provides a unified API to different queue backends. The queue allows you to enter the processing time for the task which speeds up the request of your application.
Features of Laravel
The following are the key features of Laravel:
There are 20 built-in libraries and modules that help in the improvement of the web application. Every single module is integrated with the composer dependency manager.
Laravel helps in testing through several test cases. This feature aids in maintaining the code.
Laravel provides the user to define routes in the web application. It assists to increase the performance of the application.
Configuration Management
In Laravel, a web application can runinvarious environments. There will be a constant change in its configuration. Laraveloffers a reliable approach to handle the configuration.
Query Builder and ORM
The query builder in Laraveloffers a fluent and convenient interface to create and run database queries. It offers Object Relationship Mapper (ORM) and ActiveRecord operationtermed as Eloquent.
Schema Builder
It maintains the database schema in PHP code. It keeps a detailed record of track changes on database migrations.
Template Engine
Laravel uses Blade as a template engine. It is a simple and powerful template engine used with predefined blocks for hierarchical blocks and layouts.
Laravel has a mail class that helps in sending mail with attachments from the web application.
Laravel eases authentication. The features included in authentication are register, forgot password, and send a password reminder.
Caching is used to reduce the number of times we access the database. This feature helps in retrieving temporary data storage.
Redis is used to connect an existing session in Laravel, where it interacts directly with the session.
Laravel supports queue services like bulk emailing of users. The queue aids in finishing tasks without waiting for the earlier task to complete.
Event and Command Bus
Laravelversion 5.1 includes Command Bus that helps in executing commands and dispatch events in theeasiest way.
Multiple file system
Laravel supports multiple file systems. It provides a 3rd party package to provide multiple file support.
Automatic Pagination
Laravel replaces the manual implementation approach with the automated pagination.
We have discussed some of the features of Laravel. In every release, there are add-on features. Laravel is used to create web applications using a simple and secure framework. Therefore, there is a great demand for this framework.