Software Design Laboratory Assignments
TWO Pass assembler | TWO Pass assembler |
Macro Processor | Macro Processor |
Regular Expression to DFA | Regular Expression to DFA |
Lexical Analyzer for subset of C | Lexical Analyzer for subset of C |
Calculator using LEX and YACC | Calculator using LEX and YACC |
Text or Screen Editor | Text or Screen Editor |
Software Design Laboratory : Design and Analysis of Algorithm Assignments
8 Queen Problem | 8 Queen Problem |
Prim’s Algorithm , Minimum Cost of Spanning Tree | Prim’s Algorithm |
Kruskal’s Algorithm,Prims Algorithm | Kruskal’s Algorithm |
Tower of Hanoi | Tower of Hanoi |
N queen problem | N queen problem |
Implement two problems such as 8 queen, Knapsack ,tower of Hanoi etc using different algorithmic strategy.
Staff In-charge should frame assignments based on the above topics. It is expected that this variation between assignments to individual students. Students must submit the term-work in the form of a journal at each assignment has to be well documented with problem definition, code documented title comments. The assignments will be documented. using software-engineering principles.
Software Design Laboratory Text Books
- Horowitz and Sahani Fundamentals of computer Algorithms
- Anany Levitin Introduction to the Design & Analysis of Algorithm
Software Design Laboratory Reference Books
- Gilles Brassard, Paul Bratley— Fundamentals of Algorithms
- Thomas H Cormen and Charles E.L Leiserson Introduction to Algorithm
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