Readers Writers Problem using Semaphores
Reader Priority problem
Readers Writers problem in operating system for solving synchronization problem can be solved. This program is for unix machine as their only you can run this code. This program demonstrate reader priority code for reader writer problem.
Problem statement for implement Readers Writers problem using semaphores with reader priority using C language. Use mutex and semaphores to implement above problem in c language environment.
In the context of concurrent programming, the “reader priority case” refers to a scenario where readers are given precedence over writers when accessing a shared resource, such as a database or a file. This means that if there are both read and write requests pending, the system will prioritize servicing the read requests first before attending to any write requests.
In this scenario, whenever a writer wants to access the shared resource, it has to wait if there are any ongoing read operations. This ensures that readers are not kept waiting indefinitely and that their access to the resource is not unnecessarily delayed by write operations.
Simulating the readers-writers problem allows us to observe how different strategies for managing access to shared resources perform in real-world scenarios. By implementing and analyzing various algorithms and techniques for handling concurrent read and write operations, we can gain insights into the trade-offs involved and determine the most efficient and fair approach for different applications.
In essence, through this simulation, we can understand and evaluate the mechanisms for managing reader and writer access to shared resources in a real-time environment, helping us design more robust and efficient concurrent systems.
Readers Writers Problem Code
#include #include #include void * reader(void *) ; void *writer (void *) ; sem_t wsem,mutex ; int readcount=0 ; main() { int a=1,b=1; system("clear"); sem_init(&wsem,0,1) ; sem_init(&mutex,0,1) ; pthread_t r,w,r1,w1 ; pthread_create(&r,NULL,reader,(void *)a); a++; pthread_create(&w1,NULL,writer,(void *)b); b++; pthread_create(&r1,NULL,reader,(void *)a); pthread_create(&w,NULL,writer,(void *)b); pthread_join(r,NULL); pthread_join(w1,NULL); pthread_join(r1,NULL); pthread_join(w,NULL) ; printf("main terminated\n"); } void * reader(void * arg) { int c=(int)arg ; printf("\nreader %d is created",c); sleep(1); sem_wait(&mutex) ; readcount++; if(readcount==1) sem_wait(&wsem) ; sem_post(&mutex) ; /*Critcal Section */ printf("\n\nreader %d is reading\n ",c); sleep(1) ; printf("\nreader%d finished reading\n",c); /* critical section completd */ sem_wait(&mutex) ; readcount-- ; if(readcount==0) sem_post(&wsem) ; sem_post(&mutex) ; } void * writer(void * arg) { int c=(int)arg ; printf("\nwriter %d is created",c); sleep(1); sem_wait(&wsem) ; printf("\nwriter %d is writing\n",c) ; sleep(1); printf("\nwriter%d finished writing\n",c); sem_post(&wsem) ; }
Readers-writers problem using Semaphore
Readers-writers problem using Semaphore
In this post, we will see Readers-writers problem code using C Language and we will try to understand how to solve this problem.
Readers-writers problem in c is the Synchronization problem which can be solved by using this algorithm. This code is written to run on Linux or Unix machines. So for running this code, you must have UNIX system with c compiler installed on it then only you can run these programs. The main reason that we require the Unix system is that we can only test reader-writer problem on Unix system.
Readers-writers problem is Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization problem which can solve by semaphores and monitors. Here is the Source Code for writer priority using C under reader and writer problem. Reader-writer code can be implemented in C on Linux.
We have declared two variables named as reading count and write count which will count the read and write to control the synchronization problem. Only the read or write permission will be given based on these variables. So we can say that it is a way in which we should handle the reader and writer.
Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization are like the traffic rules of computer programs, ensuring that multiple threads or processes play nicely together when using shared resources. Imagine a semaphore as a traffic light: it tells threads when to stop and when to go, preventing them from crashing into each other while accessing shared data. Monitors, on the other hand, are like gated communities for data, where access is carefully controlled through a single entrance. Inside, everyone follows the rules, taking turns and waiting patiently when needed. Both semaphores and monitors offer smart ways to keep our programs running smoothly, preventing chaos and ensuring that everyone gets their fair share of resources.
Reader Writer problem using Reader Priority code can be found here.
Readers writers problem Code
void * reader(void *) ;
void *writer (void *) ;
sem_t x,y,z,wsem,rsem ;
int readcount=0 ;
int writecount=0 ;
int a=1,b=1;
sem_init(&wsem,0,1) ;
sem_init(&x,0,1) ;
sem_init(&rsem,0,1) ;
sem_init(&y,0,1) ;
sem_init(&z,0,1) ;
pthread_t r,w,r1,w1,r2,r3,w2,w3 ;
pthread_create(&r,NULL,reader,(void *)a);
pthread_create(&r1,NULL,reader,(void *)a);
pthread_create(&w,NULL,writer,(void *)b);
pthread_create(&w1,NULL,writer,(void *)b);
pthread_create(&r2,NULL,reader,(void *)a);
pthread_create(&w2,NULL,writer,(void *)b);
pthread_create(&r3,NULL,reader,(void *)a);
pthread_create(&w3,NULL,writer,(void *)b);
pthread_join(w2,NULL) ;
printf("main terminated\n");
void * reader(void * arg)
int c=(int)arg ;
printf("\nreader %d is created",c);
sem_wait(&x) ;
sem_wait(&wsem) ;
sem_post(&x) ;
/*Critcal Section */
printf("\n\nreader %d is reading\n ",c);
sleep(1) ;
printf("\nreader%d finished reading\n",c);
/* critical section completd */
sem_wait(&x) ;
readcount-- ;
sem_post(&wsem) ;
sem_post(&x) ;
void * writer(void * arg)
int c=(int)arg ;
printf("\nwriter %d is created",c);
sem_wait(&y) ;
writecount++ ;
sem_wait(&rsem) ;
sem_post(&y) ;
sem_wait(&wsem) ;
printf("\nwriter %d is writing\n",c) ;
printf("\nwriter%d finished writing\n",c);
sem_post(&wsem) ;
sem_wait(&y) ;
writecount-- ;
sem_post(&rsem) ;
sem_post(&y) ;
In conclusion, this article provides an in-depth exploration of the Readers-Writers problem in C Language, offering valuable insights into concurrent resource management. Through detailed analysis and practical code examples, readers gain a solid understanding of synchronization techniques and deadlock prevention strategies. Readers-Writers problem in C, concurrent resource access, and synchronization techniques, this content aims to enhance visibility and accessibility for programmers seeking solutions to concurrency challenges. With this comprehensive guide, readers can master the complexities of concurrent programming in C, empowering them to develop robust and efficient systems.
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