Breadth First and Depth First Search C Language Graphs
Write a Breadth First and Depth First Search program to Represent a given graph using adjacency list and perform DFS and BFS .Use the map of the area around the college as the graph.
Breadth First and Depth First Search Code
#include #include #include #include #define MAX 20 typedef struct graph { char vertex[MAX]; struct graph *link; }graph; void breadth(graph *,int ,int ); graph *list(int); void depth(graph *,int ,int *,int); graph *freelist(graph *,int); void displaylist(graph *,int); void main() { int ch,*visited,s,n,i,n1,j; graph *g=NULL; char str2[MAX],*str; do { clrscr(); printf("\n\t\tGRAPH\n\t\t2.ADJANCY LIST\n\t\t3.DISPLAY OF ADJ MAT\n\t\t4.DISPLAY OF ADJ LIST\n\t\t5.DST OF ADJ LIST\n\t\t6.BST OF ADJ LIST\n\t\t9.EXIT"); printf("\n\t\tENTER UR CHOICE:"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 2: if(g!=NULL) g=freelist(g,n); printf("ENTER NO OF NODES"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n\t\tADJANCY LIST"); g=list(n); break; case 4: printf("DISPLAY OF ADJ LIST"); break; case 5: if(g==NULL) printf("ENTER ADJENCY LIST FIRST"); else { printf("\n\t\tDST OF ADJ LIST"); while(1) { printf("\n\t\tENTER SOURCE"); j=0; flushall(); gets(str2); while(1) { if(strcmp(str2,(g+j)->vertex)==0) break; j++; } if(j<n) <br=""> break; } visited=(int *)calloc(1,sizeof(int)*n); depth(g,j,visited,n); printf("ISOLATED VERTEX"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) <br=""> if(*(visited+i)==0) printf("\n\t%s",(g+i)->vertex); free(visited); } getch(); break; case 6: if(g==NULL) printf("ENTER ADJENCY LIST FIRST"); else { printf("\n\t\tBST OF ADJ LIST"); while(1) { printf("\n\t\tENTER SOURCE"); j=0; flushall(); gets(str2); while(1) { if(strcmp(str2,(g+j)->vertex)==0) break; j++; } if(j<n) <br=""> break; } breadth(g,j,n); } getch(); break; case 9: break; } }while(ch!=9); } void depth(graph *f,int i,int *visited,int n) { graph *t; int j=0; printf("\t%s",(f+i)->vertex); *(visited+i)=1; t=(f+i)->link; while(t!=NULL) { j=0; while(1) { if(strcmp(t->vertex,(f+j)->vertex)==0) break; j++; } if(*(visited+j)!=1) depth(f,j,visited,n); t=t->link; } } graph *freelist(graph *g,int n) { int i; graph *q,*p,*k; for(i=0;i<n;i++) <br=""> { k=(g+i); //PRINTF("\n%d",k->vertex); q=k->link; while(q!=NULL) { //printf("\t%d",q->link); p=q; //(remove at d tym of display) q=q->link; free(p);//(remove at d tym of display) } } p=g; free(p); return NULL; } void breadth(graph *f,int i,int n) { graph *queue[MAX],*q,*t; int *visited,front=0,rear=0,j=0; visited=(int *)calloc(1,sizeof(int)*n); queue[rear]=(f+i); *(visited+i)=1; //q=f+i; while(front!=-1) { q=queue[front]; j=0; while(1) { if(strcmp(q->vertex,(f+j)->vertex)==0) break; j++; } q=f+j; if(front==rear) front=rear=-1; else front=(front+1)%MAX; printf("\t%s",q->vertex); t=q->link; while(t!=NULL) { j=0; while(1) { if(strcmp(t->vertex,(f+j)->vertex)==0) break; j++; } if(*(visited+j)==0) { if(front==-1) front++; rear=(rear+1)%MAX; queue[rear]=t; *(visited+j)=1; } t=t->link; } } printf("ISOLATED VERTEX"); for(j=0;j<n;j++) <br=""> if(*(visited+j)==0) printf("\n\t%s",(f+j)->vertex); getch(); free(visited); } graph * list(int n) { graph *g=NULL,*p,*q,*nw; char so[MAX],de[MAX]; int s,i,d; g=(graph *)malloc(sizeof(graph)*n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) <br=""> { printf("ENTER DATA"); flushall(); gets(so); strcpy((g+i)->vertex,so); (g+i)->link=NULL; } while(1) { printf("\n\t\tIS THERE ANY EDGES:y/n"); if(getche()=='n') break; printf("ENTER SOURCE & DESTINATION"); flushall(); gets(so); flushall(); gets(de); for(s=0;s<n;s++) <br=""> if(strcmp((g+s)->vertex,so)==0) break; for(d=0;d<n;d++) <br=""> if(strcmp((g+d)->vertex,de)==0) break; if(s==n||strcmp(so,de)==0||d==n) printf("INVALID"); else { p=(g+s); q=p->link; while(q!=NULL) { if(strcmp(q->vertex,de)==0) { printf("ALREADY PRESENT"); break; } p=q; q=q->link; } if(q==NULL) { nw=(graph *)malloc(sizeof(graph)); nw->link=NULL; strcpy(nw->vertex,de); p->link=nw; p=g+d; while(p->link!=NULL) p=p->link; nw=(graph *)malloc(sizeof(graph)); nw->link=NULL; strcpy(nw->vertex,so); p->link=nw; } } } return g; }
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