Expression Tree in C
Write a program to implement Expression Tree using C Language with the following features :
- Recursive Traverse
- Iterative Traverse
Also Implement post fix and prefix Operations by both ways.
Expression Tree using C Language Code
#include #include #include typedef struct tree { char data; struct tree *lc; struct tree *rc; }tree; typedef struct stack1 { int flag; struct tree * addr; struct stack1 *link; }stack1; tree * freeall(tree *); void prefix(char []); void postfix(char []); void display(char []); tree *ptprefix(char [],int *); tree *ptpostfix(char [],int *); tree *alloc(char); void recin(tree *); void recpost(tree *); void recpre(tree *); void itin(tree *); void itpre(tree *); void itpost(tree *); void main() { int ch,ch1,i; char str[50]; tree *f=NULL; clrscr(); do { clrscr(); printf("\n\t\t1.INPUT\n\t\t2.RECURSIVE TRAVERSE\n\t\t3.ITERATIVE TRAVERSE\n\t\t4.EXIT"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("\n\t\tINPUT MENU\n\t\t1.PREFIX EXPRESSION\n\t\t2.POSTFIX EXPRESSION\n\t\t3.EXIT"); scanf("%d",&ch1); switch(ch1) { case 1: if(f!=NULL) f=freeall(f); printf("\n\t\tPREFIX EXPRESSION"); prefix(str); i=0; f=ptprefix(str,&i); break; case 2: if(f!=NULL) f=freeall(f); printf("\n\t\tPOSTFIX EXPRESSION"); postfix(str); i=strlen(str)-1; f=ptpostfix(str,&i); break; case 3: break; default: printf("\n\t\tINVALID CHOICE"); } break; case 2: if(f==NULL) printf("\n\t\tENTER INPUT FIRST"); else do { clrscr(); printf("\n\t\tRECURSIVE TRAVERSE MENU\n\t\t1.INORDER\n\t\t2.POSTORDER\n\t\t3.PREORDER\n\t\t4.EXIT"); scanf("%d",&ch1); switch(ch1) { case 1: printf("\n\t\tINORDER"); recin(f); break; case 2: printf("\n\t\tPOSTORDER"); recpost(f); break; case 3: printf("\n\t\tPREORDER"); recpre(f); break; case 4: break; default: printf("\n\t\tINVALID CHOICE"); } getch(); }while(ch1!=4); getch(); break; case 3: if(f==NULL) printf("\n\t\tENTER INPUT FIRST"); else do { clrscr(); printf("\n\t\tITERATIVE TRAVERSE MENU\n\t\t1.INORDER\n\t\t2.POSTORDER\n\t\t3.PREORDER\n\t\t4.EXIT"); scanf("%d",&ch1); switch(ch1) { case 1: printf("\n\t\tINORDER"); itin(f); break; case 2: printf("\n\t\tPOSTORDER"); itpost(f); break; case 3: printf("\n\t\tPREORDER"); itpre(f); break; case 4: break; default: printf("\n\t\tINVALID CHOICE"); } }while(ch1!=4); getch(); break; case 4: break; default: printf("\n\t\tINVALID CHOICE"); } }while(ch!=4); } void prefix(char str[]) { int i=0,rank=0; while(1) { str[i++]=getche(); if(str[i-1]=='\r'&&i>2&&rank==1) break; else if(rank!=1&&(str[i-1]=='+'||str[i-1]=='-'||str[i-1]=='*'|| str[i-1]=='^'||str[i-1]=='/')) rank=rank-1; else if(((str[i-1]>=48&&str[i-1]<=57)||(str[i-1]>=65&&str[i-1]<=90)||(str[i-1]>=97&&str[i-1]<=122))) rank=rank+1; else { printf("\nINVALID ENTRY"); i=0; rank=0; } if(rank>1) { printf("\nINVALID ENTRY"); i=0; rank=0; } } str[i-1]=NULL; } void postfix(char str[]) { int i=0,rank=0; while(1) { str[i++]=getche(); if(str[i-1]=='\r'&&i>2&&rank==1) break; if(i>1&&(str[i-1]=='+'||str[i-1]=='-'||str[i-1]=='*'|| str[i-1]=='^'||str[i-1]=='/')) rank=rank-1; else if((str[i-1]>=48&&str[i-1]<=57)||(str[i-1]>=65&&str[i-1]<=90)||(str[i-1]>=97&&str[i-1]<=122)) rank=rank+1; else { printf("\nINVALID ENTRY"); i=0; rank=0; } if(rank<1) { printf("\nINVALID ENTRY"); i=0; rank=0; } } str[i-1]=NULL; } tree *ptprefix(char str[],int *i) { tree *nw; nw=alloc(str[(*i)]); if(str[(*i)]=='+'||str[(*i)]=='-'||str[(*i)]=='*'|| str[(*i)]=='^'||str[(*i)]=='/') { ++*i; nw->lc=ptprefix(str,i); ++*i; nw->rc=ptprefix(str,i); } return nw; } tree * alloc(char c) { tree *nw; nw=(tree *)malloc(sizeof(tree)); nw->data=c; nw->lc=NULL; nw->rc=NULL; return nw; } tree *ptpostfix(char str[],int *i) { tree *nw; char c; nw=alloc(str[(*i)]); if(str[(*i)]=='+'||str[(*i)]=='-'||str[(*i)]=='*'|| str[(*i)]=='^'||str[(*i)]=='/') { --*i; nw->rc=ptpostfix(str,i); --*i; nw->lc=ptpostfix(str,i); } return nw; } void recin(tree *root) { if(root!=NULL) { if(root->lc!=NULL) printf("("); recin(root->lc); printf("%c",root->data); recin(root->rc); if(root->rc!=NULL) printf(")"); } } void recpost(tree *root) { if(root!=NULL) { recpost(root->lc); recpost(root->rc); printf("%c",root->data); } } void recpre(tree *root) { if(root!=NULL) { printf("%c",root->data); recpre(root->lc); recpre(root->rc); } } void itpre(tree *root) { tree *t; tree *st[30]; int top=-1; t=root; while(t!=NULL||top!=-1) { if(t!=NULL) { printf("%c",t->data); st[++top]=t; t=t->lc; } else { t=st[top--]; t=t->rc; } } getch(); } void itpost(tree *root) { tree *t; stack1 *top,*nw; top=NULL; t=root; while(t!=NULL||top!=NULL) { if(t!=NULL) { nw=(stack1 *)malloc(sizeof(stack1)); nw->addr=t; nw->link=top; nw->flag=0; top=nw; t=t->lc; } else { t=top->addr; if(top->flag==0) { top->flag=1; t=t->rc; } else { printf("%c",t->data); nw=top; top=top->link; free(nw); t=NULL; } } } getch(); } tree * freeall(tree *t) { tree * q; q=t; if(t!=NULL) { t=freeall(t->lc); t=freeall(q->rc); free(q); } return NULL; } void itin(tree *root) { tree *t; stack1 *top,*nw; top=NULL; t=root; while(t!=NULL||top!=NULL) { if(t!=NULL) { if(t->lc!=NULL) printf("("); nw=(stack1 *)malloc(sizeof(stack1)); nw->addr=t; nw->link=top; nw->flag=0; top=nw; t=t->lc; } else { t=top->addr; if(top->flag==0) { top->flag=1; printf("%c",t->data); t=t->rc; } else { nw=top; top=top->link; t=nw->addr; free(nw); if(t->rc!=NULL) printf(")"); t=NULL; } } } getch(); }
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