Factorial,Greatest Number,String Palindrome using Shell Programming
Menu driven program for Factorial,Greatest Number,String Palindrome
a) Find factorial of a no.
b) Find greatest of three numbers
c) Find a prime no
d) Find whether a number is palindrome
e) Find whether a string is palindrome
Factorial,Greatest Number,String Palindrome Shell Programming Code
palins() { echo “ Enter a String to check for Palindrome “ read str i=1 y=`echo $str | wc -c` y=`expr $y - 1` z=$y echo “The Length of String $y” while [ $y -ne 0 ] do z=`echo $str | cut -c $i` w=`echo $str | cut -c $y` if [ "$z" != "$w" ] then echo “ The Given String $str is not Palindrome ” y=0 else i=`expr $i + 1` y=`expr $y - 1` fi done if [ "$z" = "$w" ] then echo “The Given String $str is a Palindrome” fi } palinn() { echo -n "Enter number : " read n sd=0 rev="" on=$n while [ $n -gt 0 ] do sd=$(( $n % 10 )) # get Remainder n=$(( $n / 10 )) # get next digit rev=$( echo ${rev}${sd} ) done if [ $on -eq $rev ]; then echo "Number is palindrome" else echo "Number is NOT palindrome" fi } great() { echo "enter first number" read a1 echo "enter first number" read a2 echo "enter first number" read a3 if [ $a1 -gt $a2 ] && [ $a1 -gt $a3 ]; then echo "first number $a1 is greatest" elif [ $a2 -gt $a1 ] && [ $a2 -gt $a3 ]; then echo "second number $a2 is greatest" elif [ $a3 -gt $a1 ] && [ $a3 -gt $a2 ]; then echo "third number $a3 is greatest" fi } fact() { echo "enter the number to find the factorial" read b c=1 while [ "$b" -gt 0 ]; do c=$(($c * $b)) b=$(($b-1)) done echo "factorial is $c " } clear echo "1. factorial " echo "2. greatest number " echo "3. palindrome " echo "4. palindrome string " echo "5. exit" echo "6. enter ur choice " read d case "$d" in 1) echo " factorial " fact;; 2) echo "greatest" great;; 3) echo "palindrome" palinn ;; 4) palins ;; 5) ;; * ) echo "enter right choice" esac
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