Student Database in C Language
Accept student information (e.g. Roll No, Name, Percentage etc.).
- Display the data in descending order of Percentage (Bubble Sort).
- Display data for Roll No specified by user (Linear Search).
- Display the number of passes and comparisons for different test cases (Worst,
- Average, Best case).
Student Database in C Language Code
#include #include #include #include class A { protected: char blood[4],name[20]; int date,month,year; public: void inputa() { cout<<"ENTER NAME"; gets(name); cout<<"ENTER DATE OF BIRTH"; cin>>date>>month>>year; cout<<"ENTER BLODD GROUP!!"; gets(blood); } virtual void display() { cout<<"\nNAME:"<<name; <br=""> cout<<"\nDATE OF BIRTH:"<<date<<" "<<month<<"="" "<<year;="" <br=""> cout<<"\nBLOOD GROUP:"<<blood; <br=""> getch(); } }; class B:virtual public A { protected: int height; int weight; public: void inputb() { cout<<"ENTER HEIGHT"; cin>>height; cout<<"ENTER weight"; cin>>weight; } virtual void display() { cout<<"\nheight :"<<height; <br=""> cout<<"\nweight:"<<weight; <br=""> getch(); } }; class C:virtual public A { protected: int hno ; char city[10]; unsigned long int insno; public: void inputc() { cout<<"ENTER ADDRESS OF CARD HOLDER"; cout<<"HOUSE NO"; cin>>hno; cout<<"CITY"; cin>>city; cout<<"ENTER INSURANCE NO"; cin>>insno; } virtual void display() { cout<<"\nADDRESS OF CARD HOLDER:"<<hno<<" "<<city;="" <br=""> cout<<"\nINSURANCE NO OF CARD HOLDER:"<<insno; <br=""> getch(); } }; class D:public B,public C { int licno; unsigned long int teleno; public: int id; D() { id=0; strcpy(name,'\0'); date=0; month=0; year=0; height=0 ; weight=0; strcpy(blood,'\0'); hno=0; strcpy(city,'\0'); insno=0; teleno=0; licno=0; } D(D & d) {; strcpy(name,;; month=d.month; year=d.year; height=d.height; weight=d.weight; strcpy(blood,d.blood); hno=d.hno; strcpy(city,; insno=d.insno; teleno=d.teleno; licno=d.licno; } void inputd() { cout<<"ENTER TELEPHONE NO AFTER FIRST DIGIT "; cin>>teleno; cout<<"ENTER LICENCE NO"; cin>>licno; } void display() { clrscr(); cout<<"\nID NO"<<id; <br=""> cout<<"\nNAME:"<<name; <br=""> cout<<"\nDATE OF BIRTH:"<<date<<" "<<month<<"="" "<<year;="" <br=""> cout<<"\nHEIGHT:"<<height; <br=""> cout<<"\nWEIGHT:"<<weight; <br=""> cout<<"\ncBLOOD GROUP"<<blood; <br=""> cout<<"\nADDRESS:"<<hno<<" "<<city;="" <br=""> cout<<"\nINSURANCE NO:"<<insno; <br=""> cout<<"\nPHONE NO:"<<"9"<<teleno; <br=""> cout<<"\nLICENCE NO:"<<licno; <br=""> getch(); } }; void main() { D d[20]; int ch=0,i=0,j; do { clrscr(); cout<<"\t\t\t\t1.BUILD A MASTER TABLE\n" ; cout<<"\t\t\t\t2.DISPLAY THE ENTRIES\n" ; cout<<"\t\t\t\t3.INSERT A NEW DATA\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t\t4.DELETE A DATA\n" ; cout<<"\t\t\t\t5.SEARCH FOR SPECIFIC ENTRY\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t\t6.EXIT\n" ; cout<<"\t\t\t\tENTER UR CHOICE"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: cout<<"\n\t\tBUILD A RECORD FOR CREDIT CARD!!"; i=0; do { d[i].id=i+1; d[i].inputa(); d[i].inputb(); d[i].inputc(); d[i].inputd(); i++; cout<<"WANT TO ENTER MORE DATA"; }while(getche()=='y'); break; case 2: cout<<"\n\t\tDISPLAY CREDIT CARD RECORD!!"; for(j=0;j<i;j++) <br=""> { d[j].display(); } break; case 3: cout<<"\n\t\tINSERT A NEW RECORD IN CREDIT CARD ENTRY!!"; int k=i; for(j=0;j<i;j++) <br=""> if(d[j].id!=j+1) { k=j; while(j<i) <br=""> d[j+1]=d[j++]; break; } d[k].id=k+1; d[k].inputa(); d[k].inputb(); d[k].inputc(); d[k].inputd(); i++; break; case 4: cout<<"\n\t\tDELETE A CREDIT CARD RECORD \n\t\tENTER ID"; cin>>k; for(j=0;j<i;j++) <br=""> if(d[j].id==k) { while(j<(i-1)) { d[j]=d[j+1]; break; } } i--; break; case 5: cout<<"\n\t\tSEARCH FOR SPECIFIC ENTRY\n\t\tENTER ID"; cin>>k; for(j=0;j<i;j++) <br=""> if(d[j].id==k) break; if(j!=i) { d[j].display(); } else cout<<"SORRY RECORD NOT FOUND"; getch(); break; case 6: break; } }while(ch!=6); getch(); }
santosh says
ProjectsGeek says
Sushil says
Thank you
Thanks you !!
nice all functions working …..