Weather report program in c++ using constructor
Create a class named weather report that holds a daily weather report with data members dayofmonth,high temp , low temp ,amount rain and amount snow.The constructor initializes the fields with default values. Weather report program in c++ using constructor Includes a function that prompts the user and sets values for each field so that you can override the default values.
Write a program Weather report program in c++ using constructor that creates a monthly report.
Weather report program in c++ using constructor Code
#include #include #include class ping { int day,snowfall,rainfall,lowtemp,hightemp; public: static int count ; ping(); ping(int,int,int,int,int); ping::ping(ping &z) {; hightemp=z.hightemp; lowtemp=z.lowtemp; snowfall=z.snowfall; rainfall=z.rainfall; } int dayno(); void daily(); void copy(int,int,int,int,int) ; void change(int ); }; int ping::count ; ping::ping() { day=99; hightemp=999; lowtemp=-999; snowfall=0; rainfall=0; cout<< "\t\t\tRecord created\n"; } void ping::change(int dom) { day=dom; } ping::ping(int dom,int ht,int lt,int s,int r) { day= dom; hightemp=ht; lowtemp=lt; snowfall=s; rainfall=r; } void ping::daily() { cout << "\t "; cout << hightemp << "\t\t "; cout << lowtemp << "\t "; cout << snowfall << "\t "; cout << rainfall << "\t "; } int ping::dayno() { return day; } void main() { int ch,i=0,j,flag=0; int k,temp; ping *array[31]; do { clrscr(); cout << "\t\t\t\t***Main Menu***\n"; cout << "\t\t\t\t1.Create Daily Report\n"; cout << "\t\t\t\t2.Display Daily Report\n"; cout << "\t\t\t\t3.Display Monthly Report\n"; cout << "\t\t\t\t4.Delete a record\n"; cout << "\t\t\t\t5.Exit\n"; cout << "\t\t\t\tEnter your choice:\n"; cin >> ch; switch(ch) { case 1: do { int dom; temp=0 ; cout<<"\n\t\tEnter date of month: "; cin>>dom; array[i]->count++; if(array[i]->count>1) { cout <<"\nDO U WANT TO COPY DATA FROM PREVIOUS DAY (y/n)"; if(getche()=='y'||getche()=='Y') { array[i]=new ping; *array[i]=*array[i-1]; array[i]->change(dom); i=i+1; temp=1; } } if(temp==0) { int ht ; cout << "\tEnter maximum temperature: "; cin >> ht; int lt; cout << "\tEnter the minimum temperature: "; cin >> lt; int s; cout << "\tEnter amount of snowfall: "; cin >> s; int r; cout << "\tEnter amount of rainfall: "; cin >> r ; array[i++]=new ping(dom,ht,lt,r,s); } cout<<"\n\t\tDO U WANT TO ENTER MORE:"; }while(getche()=='y'||getche()=='Y'); break; case 2: cout << "\t\t\tDisplay Daily Report\n"; cout << "\tEnter the day to be viewed: "; cin>>k; for(j=0;j<i;j++) <br=""> if(array[j]->dayno()==k) { cout<<"\n\n Day Temperature AmtRain AmtSnow"; cout<<"\n"<<" "; array[j]->daily(); getch(); break; } if(j==i) { cout<<"\nRecord not found "; cout<<"\nNOT AVAILABLE"; getch(); } break; case 3: clrscr(); cout<<"\n\t\tWEATHER REPORT"; if(i==0) { cout<<"\n\nRecord not found..."; break; } else cout<<"\n\n Day Temperature AmtRain AmtSnow"; cout<<"\n"<<" "; for(j=0;j<i;j++) <br=""> { cout<<"\n"<<" "; array[j]->daily(); } getch(); break; break; case 4: cout<<"\nENTER THE DATE WHICH U WANT TO DELETE:"; int dom; cin>>dom; for(j=0;j<i;j++) <br=""> { if(array[j]->dayno()==dom) { delete array[j]; while(j<i) <br=""> { array[j]=array[j+1]; j++; } j--; break; } } if(j==i) cout<<"\nDATE IS NOT FOUND"; else { array[i]->count--; i--; } break; case 5 : break ; default: cout<< " \t\tWrong choice...Enter again\n "; } }while(ch!=5); }
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