Lexical analyzer Code in C Language
Implement Lexical Analyzer code for subset of C using C Language.
Lexical Analysis-Finite Automate, Regular Expression, RE to DFA,Implementation of lexical Analyzer,Syntax Analysis,Context Free Grammars ,Derivation of Parse Tress,Parsers,Top Down Parsers: Recursive Descent Parser, Predictive Parser,Bottom Up Parsing Shift Reduce Parser, SLR parser and Lexical analyzer Code.
Lexical analyzer Code
#include #include #include #include #define max 100 typedef struct lit_tab { char token[max]; }littab; typedef struct iden_tab { char token[max]; }identab; typedef struct ust { char token[max]; char type; int pos; }ustx; littab lit_tab[50]; identab iden_tab[50]; ustx ust[100]; int ust_ptr=0; char terminal[max][max]={"{","}","(",")","<",">","<=",">=","=",",",";","\"","+","-","*","/","void","printf","int","float","if","else"}; void print_ust() { printf("UST\n"); int i=0; printf("TOKEN\tTYPE\tPOS\n"); while(i<ust_ptr) <br=""> { printf("%s\t%c\t%d\n",ust[i].token,ust[i].type,ust[i].pos); i++; getch(); } } void print_ter() { printf("Literal Table"); int i=0; clrscr(); while(strcmp(terminal[i],NULL)!=0) { printf("%d.%s\n",i+1,terminal[i]); i++; } getch(); } void print_lit() { printf("\nLiteral Table"); int i=0; clrscr(); while(strcmp(lit_tab[i].token,NULL)!=0) { printf("%d.%s\n",i+1,lit_tab[i].token); i++; } getch(); } void print_iden() { printf("\nIdentifier Table"); int i=0; clrscr(); while(strcmp(iden_tab[i].token,NULL)!=0) { printf("%d.%s\n",i+1,iden_tab[i].token); i++; } getch(); } int search_lit(char str[]) { int i=0; while(strcmp(lit_tab[i].token,NULL)!=0) { if(strcmp(lit_tab[i].token,str)==0) return i; i++; } return -1; } int insert_lit(char str[]) { int i=0; while(strcmp(lit_tab[i].token,NULL)!=0) { i++; } strcpy(lit_tab[i].token,str); return i; } int search_iden(char str[]) { int i=0; while(strcmp(iden_tab[i].token,NULL)!=0) { if(strcmp(iden_tab[i].token,str)==0) return i; i++; } return -1; } int insert_iden(char str[]) { int i=0; while(strcmp(iden_tab[i].token,NULL)!=0) { i++; } strcpy(iden_tab[i].token,str); return i; } int search(char str[]) { int i=0; while(strcmp(terminal[i],NULL)!=0) { if(strcmp(terminal[i],str)==0 ) return i; i++; } return -1; } void ust_insert(char token[],char type,int pos) { strcpy(ust[ust_ptr].token,token); ust[ust_ptr].type=type; ust[ust_ptr].pos=pos; ust_ptr++; } void main() { FILE *fp; clrscr(); fp=fopen("lex.txt","r"); if(fp==NULL) { printf("File Not Found"); return; } char str[max],token[max]; int i,j; while( !feof(fp) ) { fgets(str,max,fp); i=0; strcpy(token,NULL); while(str[i]!='\n' && str[i]!=NULL) { while(str[i]==' ' || str[i]=='\t') i++; j=0; if(str[i]=='/') { if(str[i+1]=='/') { fgets(str,max,fp); continue; } else if(str[i+1]=='*') { i+=2; while(str[i]!='*' && str[i+1]!='/') { if(str[i]=='\n') { fgets(str,max,fp); i=0; } i++; } i+=2; } } while(str[i]!=' ' && str[i]!='\t' && str[i]!='\n') { if(str[i-1]=='"' && str[i]!=')') { while(str[i]!='"') { token[j]=str[i]; j++;i++; } break; } token[j]=str[i]; j++; i++; if(ispunct(str[i])) //if(str[i]=='(' || str[i]==')' ||str[i]==';' ||str[i]==','||str[i]=='+'||str[i]=='='||str[i]=='-'||str[i]=='/'||str[i]=='*') break; if(ispunct(str[i-1]) ) //if(str[i-1]==','||str[i-1]=='='||str[i-1]=='/'||str[i-1]=='+'||str[i-1]=='-'||str[i-1]=='*') break; } token[j]=NULL; int x; int l=strlen(token); int pos; x=search(token); if(x!=-1) ust_insert(token,'T',x); else if(str[i-l-1]!='"' && !(token[0]>='0'&& token[0]<='9')&&strcmp(token,NULL)!=0 ) { x=search_iden(token); if(x==-1) { pos=insert_iden(token); ust_insert(token,'I',pos); } else ust_insert(token,'I',x); } else if( strcmp(token,NULL)!=0) { x=search_lit(token); if(x==-1) { pos=insert_lit(token); ust_insert(token,'L',pos); } else ust_insert(token,'L',x); } } } print_ter(); print_lit(); print_iden(); print_ust(); getch(); }
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