Hospital Management System or Health Center Management system
To develop a Health Center Management system, we take care of patient registration, drug information and concerns such as drug inquiries and complaints.
The current manual system is slow laborious and error prone to computerize the same for quicker efficient results and customer satisfaction
Hospital Management System Advantages To Both End Users & Developers
The system is useful in various ways as the information about the patients who are taking the free services from the health center all the details are already stored in the database , so the service is done in no time . All the information about the drugs are also maintained in the database
Goal And Need
GOAL: With every going day the need to be where the inflow of out patient request exceeds that which can be handled manually. Hence computerization of OP receipt request and maintenance of the drugs through the computerization brings better satisfaction and service orientedness.
Quicker processing of OPNO receipt would mean better service to the patients . It would also help in the complexity of maintaining the records manually and thus less time is wasted on rework. Proper maintenance of the drug information timely dispatching of the drugs from the main stores to the pharmacy and also maintenance of daily dispatching of the drugs to the out patients from the pharmacy to the out patients . Towards this achievement the computerization of the Health Center will help greatly in maintaining pf proper information about the out patients who are eligible for the free services and the patients who are not eligible for the free services , drug information , patients records ,and daily dispatching of the drugs to various patients .
NEED: To develop a Heath Center Management system as from manual system to computerized system, and to take care of Records of the various departments in the health center.The current manual system is slow laborious and error prone to computerize the same for quicker efficient results .
Snapshots for Hospital Management System
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