In today’s world, the computer is everywhere, and each person is using it in their daily life work. Now it becomes difficult to imagine the world without computers. So we want to use this technology and make a system which will help the Institute to maintain the information of the staff of Institute while it will maintain the details of the student. The system will provide a simple way to manage the details while providing security to each information. The Assessment emulator will also give the access to use the system for other work like calculating internal marks, and it will keep the record of various academic activity.
Existing system
In the current Assessment Emulator system, there is no centralized storage facility, and hence the retrieval of any data is not easy. The staff store the details by manual process. The faculty gives the marks manually, and the conversion of scores to grade is also done by faculties. In the present system, there is a high chance of loss of data. All the process need huge time and much more manual effort. The existing Assessment Emulator system does not provide any provisions to store the information like semester, course, branch, subject detail, students and staff information into a single system.
Proposed system
The assessment emulator project will provide the user-friendly interface to the user. The system will computerize all the standard data. Once, the user will feed the data into the system then there will no need of the extra person, and only a single person can maintain the information. The Assessment Emulator system supports the academic and admission details of the student as well as it can manage the information related to the faculty of the Institute. The system will calculate internal marks of the students and provide the provision to store the course, branch and semester details. The system can get security as per the requirement.
Assessment Emulator Module
Faculty login:Through this module, the faculty of the institute such as the HOD or teacher will get access the system. In this module, they will get options like calculating the internal marks, can know the details of any student.
Menu Form:This module will contain the menu bar for the master, student, and staff. The Master menu will provide an option for updating the course, branch, semesters and subjects. The student menu will give the feature to insert, remove and view the student details. The staff menu will provide information about the staff.
Result Form:Anyone from an institute can use this form. It will contain the result of each class of the Institute.
Software requirement
- Operating system: All versions of windows.
- Front End: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, C#
- Back End: SQL Server 2005.
Hardware requirement
- RAM: 512 MB or Above.
- Hard Disk: Minimum 10 GB free
- Processor: Pentium 4
- Processor Speed: 1.5 GHz
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