The main objective of this School Penalty Management System is to check for the penalties of students in a school. This is a simple user interface very useful in schools which helps user to check for multiple clearances required for a student before the academic year ends. The School Penalty Management System checks for the penalty for a particular student for that academic year. A database is maintained which consists of all the clearances. The student name is searched against the clearance database. The tool checks if the student has to pay penalty. If the student has some dues like lab related fees, sports, library etc then he has to pay the dues and then get the clearance signed. If the student does not have any dues then he can directly get the clearance signed without paying any penalty. This School Penalty Management System is developed using visual Basic and the database is MS Access. All the penalty related data is stored indifferent tables in the database. The tool searches for the student id in this database and shall report it to the user. It shall display the penalty that is charged for the student for the year. This task eases out the process of signing the clearance documents.
Existing System
The schools have to manually calculate the penalties for students. There would be many departments in a school and the student had to check with all the departments for no penalties and then get the clearance document signed before the end of the academic year. The task to check for all students was difficult. This could consume a lot of time for the administrative staff.
Proposed System
A simple user interface of School Penalty Management System will allows the user to check for penalties or dues if any from students before issuing the clearance certificates. The School Penalty Management System shall ease the work of getting clearances from various departments in the school. It minimizes the time and effort and helps the administrative staff to check for clearances. The user shall log into the system. There is a database for students consisting of student name, id, class, section and other details. It has a clearance database which checks if the student has any penalties that has to be paid to different departments. If penalty is to be paid then the system shall allow the user to make payment online and proceed further to obtain the clearance from the school for the academic year. If the student does not have any penalty then the clearance document is signed and given to the student. This helps to track penalties of students across different departments in the institute. This School Penalty Management System is developed in visual basic projects with back end as MS access.
System Specifications
School Penalty Management System Modules
Student Information: This module has all the data related to the student like the student name, id, class, section etc. These details are fetched from the interface and shown to the user
Clearance: This module holds the data regarding the clearances for the student. This module shall check for dues of students from different departments and reports the penalties if any to the user.
Hardware configuration
- Processor Intel dual core
- RAM 256 MB
- Mouse
- Monitor 12 inch
- Hard disk 60 GB
- Key board
Software configuration
- Windows XP Professional
- Language Visual Basic 6.0
- MS Access
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