The main objective of this School Enrollment System application is to automate the process of enrollment of students into a school or educational institution. It helps the administrator to enter all the details regarding the new student into the system. This interface is developed using environment. It has a simple database connectivity to MS Access. All details related to the new admission shall get stored in respective tables in the database. It takes as input many fields like the student first name, last name, Date of birth, gender, religion, which grade he shall be admitted etc. These details get saved in the database. School Enrollment System also takes inputs such as place of birth, house address, Name of school last attended and the address of that school. These details also shall be stored. Whenever the administrator has to check for the details of that student, he can search for the student and that record shall be displayed to the user in a list view. The user can add student details and update them also. The user shall be able to generate reports based on the student selected.
Existing System
Earlier there was no tool to save the enrollment details of student. These details were stored manually in registers. The administrator had a difficult task to maintain these records. If the user had to search for any particular student, he had to check for all the files. It was a laborious task. There was no easy way to update the details of the new student. It took lot of resources and time to manage all these accounts in the school.
Proposed School Enrollment System
This is as simple user interface School Enrollment System is developed in visual Basic. It helps the user to enroll students into the institute. The simple interface takes as input fields like first name, middle name, Last name, date of birth, gender, religion details and saves it to the database. It also takes fields such as which class he shall be admitted and the previous school attended. School Enrollment System will ease the user to generate reports based on the student selected. The interface has strict error handling at the user level. The date of birth fields is validated for the date field. Some of the fields are a list control which will allow user to only select a specific value. These entries will be saved in the database. The user also can update the student details record. In the list view, the user can select a particular student and the details shall get displayed on the screen. This School Enrollment System is developed using VB .net. It reduces the time taken by the user to enroll candidates. It helps the user to generate reports for each student selected. It shall capture the details regarding the fees that is paid for that academic year during admission process. It will also check if the student is being transferred from other branches or is a new admission. These details which are recorded in the database shall help the user to manage the enrollment activities easily.
System Specifications
Student details: This module shall have the details regarding the student such as the student first name, last name, gender, date of birth, address, Grade which the student will be admitted, previous school attended etc.
Hardware configuration
- Processor – Intel dual core
- RAM – 512 MB
- Hard disk – 40 GB
- Floppy drive – 1.44 MB
- Key board
Software configuration
- Windows XP Professional
- Visual Basic 6.0
- MS Access
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