The main aim of this Software Inventory System project is to list all the software available in your organization. When you have to maintain lots of software versions and tools in a group or network, it would be easier if there is a tool or application to list out all these software versions and their CD keys. This would ease the users to maintain the software available with them. This User interface would help them to add or edit any software application in their organization. This is a simple Software Inventory System application which is developed using Visual basic Projects. The data related to these software and CD keys is maintained in a database. The user can retrieve the list of software, CD keys and the company to which the software is proprietary.
Existing Software Inventory System
It was difficult for users to track many different software and their versions which are installed in various machines across the organization. The user had to search for the different software installed in all the machines. They would have to check with the registries of these machines for the software installations. It was a tedious task for the users. There would be an update in software versions. To check for the correct version of software installed on systems would be a difficult task. They need to check if the licensed copy of the software exists. This would consume a lot of time for the users. The resources of the company would be utilized more efficiently if there was a system that would track all the software available with their CD keys.
Proposed System
This Software Inventory System Interface will help the user to check for software available on the systems. In other words, it is an inventory tool to check for different software available in a particular set up. It is a simple graphical user interface developed using Visual Basic. The Software Inventory System application will allow the user to enter software name, the CD key and the company name and shall be saved on to the database. A display grid displays all the software available with their respective CD keys. A search panel will help the user to specify a particular software name. If the software exists, then the details are displayed in a grid view. It displays the software name, CD key and the company name. The user can edit the details of the record by double clicking on the record. The user can update the details accordingly and save it. A simple Access database is used to store these details in tables. A robust database connectivity through he UI will help the user to search and retrieve the list faster. The user can clear the search fields and search again for different software names. This helps the user to quickly know the inventory of software in an organization.
System Specifications
Inventory: This module shall hold the details regarding the software such as the software name, CD key, Company name etc. These details are stored in tables in the database. When the user searches for the software name, it is fetched from these tables.
Hardware configuration
- Processor P-IV
- Monitor
- CD drive
- Key board
- Mouse
- Hard disk 40 GB
- Floppy drive
Software configuration
- Operating system Windows XP
- Language Visual Basic 6.0
- MS Access
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