Paint software in visual basic is simple paint program which is capable of drawing simple figures and coloring them. It has some features like spray color , pencil , picture draw options .
Question :
Design and Develop features of Paint Brush application.
Dim sx, sy As Single Dim px As Integer Dim py As Integer Dim flag As Integer Private Sub spray(X As Single, Y As Single, col As ColorConstants) Dim i As Integer Dim tempx As Integer Dim tempy As Integer For i = 1 To 10 Step 1 tempx = Rnd * 50 tempy = Rnd * 50 fradraw.PSet (X + tempx, Y + tempy), col Next i End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() sx = 0 sy = 0 End Sub Private Sub fradraw_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) If Button <> 0 Then sx = X sy = Y End If End Sub Private Sub fradraw_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Dim col As ColorConstants If Button = 1 Then col = piccur(1).BackColor ElseIf Button = 2 Then col = piccur(0).BackColor End If If Button <> 0 Then Select Case flag Case 1 Call spray(X, Y, col) Case 2 Case 3 fradraw.Line (sx, sy)-(X, Y), col sx = X sy = Y Case 4 fradraw.Line (sx, sy)-(px, py), vbWhite fradraw.Line (sx, sy)-(X, Y), col px = X py = Y Case 5 fradraw.Line (sx, sy)-(px, sy), vbWhite fradraw.Line (px, sy)-(px, py), vbWhite fradraw.Line (px, py)-(sx, py), vbWhite fradraw.Line (sx, py)-(sx, sy), vbWhite fradraw.Line (sx, sy)-(X, sy), col fradraw.Line (X, sy)-(X, Y), col fradraw.Line (X, Y)-(sx, Y), col fradraw.Line (sx, Y)-(sx, sy), col px = X py = Y Case 6 Case 7 fradraw.Line (sx, sy)-(px, sy), vbWhite fradraw.Line (px, sy)-(px, py), vbWhite fradraw.Line (px, py)-(sx, py), vbWhite fradraw.Line (sx, py)-(sx, sy), vbWhite fradraw.Line (sx, sy)-(X, sy), col fradraw.Line (X, sy)-(X, Y), col fradraw.Line (X, Y)-(sx, Y), col fradraw.Line (sx, Y)-(sx, sy), col px = X py = Y Case 8 fradraw.Circle (Abs((sx + px) / 2), Abs((sy + py) / 2)), Abs((sx - px) / 2), vbWhite fradraw.Circle (Abs((sx + X) / 2), Abs((sy + Y) / 2)), Abs((sx - X) / 2), col px = X py = Y End Select End If End Sub Private Sub fradraw_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Dim a As String Select Case flag Case 7 a = InputBox("Enter a string", "String Input") fradraw.ScaleMode = vbPixels fradraw.CurrentX = sx + 10 fradraw.CurrentY = sy + 20 fradraw.Print a fradraw.Line (sx, sy)-(px, sy), vbWhite fradraw.Line (px, sy)-(px, py), vbWhite fradraw.Line (px, py)-(sx, py), vbWhite fradraw.Line (sx, py)-(sx, sy), vbWhite End Select End Sub Private Sub mnuclrimg_Click() fradraw.Cls End Sub Private Sub mnuexit_Click() End End Sub Private Sub piccol_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) If Button = 2 Then piccur(0).BackColor = piccol(Index).BackColor End If If Button = 1 Then piccur(1).BackColor = piccol(Index).BackColor End If End Sub Private Sub pictool_Click(Index As Integer) Select Case Index Case 0 fradraw.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("NORMAL01.CUR") flag = 0 Case 1 fradraw.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("SELECT.CUR") flag = 1 Case 2 fradraw.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("NORMAL01.CUR") flag = 0 Case 3 fradraw.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("PENCIL.CUR") flag = 3 Case 4 fradraw.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("CROSS02.CUR") flag = 4 Case 5 fradraw.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("CROSS02.CUR") flag = 5 Case 6 fradraw.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("NORMAL01.CUR") flag = 6 Case 7 fradraw.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("NORMAL01.CUR") flag = 7 Case 8 fradraw.MouseIcon = LoadPicture("CROSS02.CUR") flag = 8 End Select End Sub Private Sub pictool_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) pictool(Index).BorderStyle = 1 End Sub Private Sub pictool_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) pictool(Index).BorderStyle = 0 End Sub