Garbage Monitoring System IoT Project
To develop a smart garbage monitoring system based on Internet of Things (IoT) using Arduinoto efficiently manage the garbage.
Project Overview
One of the important areas of concern in our environment is garbage management, which affects the human health. In the 21st century garbage collection is somewhat improved, compared to 20th century. Garbage is separately collected as reusable and non-reusable garbage’s. But the amount of technology improved nowadays is not much reflected in garbage management. So collecting, detecting and managing garbage’s using the latest technology is one of primary need for society. Less human effort and more automation should be the goal for any garbage monitoring system. This project concentrates on developing a smart garbage monitoring and controlling system using Internet of Things (IoT).
Existing System
Existing garbage monitoring system need more human effort to complete the required task. The garbage bin is divided into the reusable garbage bin and non-reusable garbage bin. Every time garbage is filled means, human manually check and monitor the level of the garbage in the garbage bin. After that the garbage is cleaned from the bin. The existing system architecture is shown in below figure.
- It considers the separation of reusable and non-reusable garbage’s.
- It does not utilize the latest technology advantages.
- More human effort is needed.
Proposed System
The proposed system smart garbage monitoring and controlling system using IoT is one of the very innovative system, that is used keep the street and city clean. A mobile application is created to display the status of the garbage level to the garbage cleaner. This mobile application gives a graphical representation of the garbage baskets and displays the level of garbage’s in the basket. The user interface screen shows the status of the level of the garbage. The proposed system architecture is shown in following figure.
Working Principle
- In the smart garbage management system, ultrasonic sensors used to detect the garbage level in the garbage baskets. Every time garbage level reached threshold, the notification with the alarm will go through the garbage cleaner. The threshold is fixed by the garbage cleaner.
- All the data collected will be stored on the web server using wifi modem. Then required garbage related details are displayed in the mobile phone using android application.
- Every time garbage level reaches near the specified threshold level, the garbage cleaner will get the notifications with alarm to take the future action.
- Controls and monitors the garbage level through latest technology to make the street clean.
- Mobile application visualization helps easy monitoring of garbages.
- Less human effort and quick solution to the garbage problems.
- Transparent system between people and government.
Components / Software /Hardware’s Required
- Web Server
- MySQL Database
- Regulator
- Wifi Modem
- Arduino
- Embedded C
- Ultrasonic Sensor
- Android
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