Java How to Program By -Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel
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Java How to Program |
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Java How to Program |
You can find Thousands of visual basic project on internet But half of project are in proper form to run other machines . Some of these project do not contains all files that are needed to run the project . Also new students are not able to run these projects , So I decided to write some steps involved in Running Visual Basic project .
To run Visual Basic Projects you need to make sure that your project contains “project.vbp” file which you have downloaded from here or from other Websites .
Now every project have database as backend for storing data related to project . So you should have access data or any other database tables with you for proceding . You can search project folder you have downloaded for database files or tables .
After having database file or Tables just create those tables in respective database and now your are ready for setting up project .
Steps involved in Running Visual Basic Project :
Setting Up Vb Project |
Vb project Loaded Successfully |
The Domain “Banking Management System ” keeps the day by day tally record as a complete
banking. It can keep the information of Account type, account opening form, Deposit,
Withdrawal, and Searching the transaction, Transaction report, Individual account
opening form, Group Account. The exciting part of this project is; it displays Transaction
reports, Statistical Summary of Account type and Interest Information.
“Banking Management System ” keeps the day by day tally record as a complete banking. It can keep the information of Account type, account opening form, Deposit, Withdrawal, and Searching the transaction, Transaction reports, Individual account opening form, Group
Account. The exciting part of this project is; it displays Transaction reports, Statistical
Summary of Account type and Interest Information.
Snapshots for Banking Management System in Visual Basic Project
This Java turorial basically focus on the File handling operation and IO portion if java programming . Till we have covered some of the Basic of Core java programming .
We will cover following topics during this part of java tutorial .
File Handling in Java
Files are the primary source and destination for data within most programs. File are also used for orgainising the data in file structures .
Java devotes a whole range of methods found in a class called File in the package to perform these operation.
Constructor for Files
Objects of the file class can be created using three types of File constructor.
File f1= new File (“c:\\java\\sample.txt”)
File f1= new File (“c:\\java”, “sample.txt”)
File f1= new File (“java”, “sample.txt”)
Methods of File Class
The method present in File class are :
Other Methods of File Class
Streams in Java File Handling
A Stream is a path of communication between the source of information and the destination.
Streams can be divided under three categories as follows :
Example 1
byte c;
System.out.println (“Entered Character is ” );
System.out.println ((char )c);
Example 1 (modified)
byte c[]= new byte[10];
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
System.out.println (“Entered Character is ” );
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
System.out.println ((char )c[i]);
Example 1 (modified)
byte c[]= new byte[10];
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
System.out.println (“Entered String is ” );
File Streams in Java
There are various types of streams found in the package
Example 2
byte b[]= {65,66,67,68,65,66,67,68,65,66};
FileOutputStream f= new FileOutputStream (“c:\\abc.txt”);
for (int i=0;i<10; i++)
Example 2 (modified)
char c[]= {‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G‘};
FileOutputStream f= new FileOutputStream (“c:\\abc.txt”);
for (int i=0;i<5; i++)
Example 2 (modified)
FileInputStream f= new FileInputStream (“c://abc.txt”);
for (int i=0; i
System.out.print( (char);
Example 3
byte b[]= {65,66,67,68,65,66,67,68,65,66};
BufferedOutputStream f= new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream (“c:\\abc.txt”);
Example 3 (Modified)
char c[]= {‘A”, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ };
BufferedOutputStream f= new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream (“c:\\abc.txt”);
Example 4
To take String from User during the program . You can use bufferreader in java programs to take input from the user during the program execution .
So, here is the complete code to take input from user .
BufferedReader b= new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader (;
String str1= b.readLine();
String str2=b.readLine();
Example 4
To take Integer from User
BufferedReader b= new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader (;
String str1= b.readLine();
Int a= Integer.parseInt (str1);
String str2=b.readLine();
Questions for Quick Revision
Explain three different ways for creating File Object?
Explain different ways for taking Input from the User?
This section of Java tutorial will deal with the connectivity of Java with databasis lik…MySql . Apart from connectivity we will discuss some basic concepts about Sql Language .
For using SQL you can install MYsQL with its connector from official web Site of MySql here . You can use this Tutorial as source for connectiong database and Java applications .
Starting with the Topics that will be covered in this section of tutorial are :
So , What is Sql ?
SQL is used to make a request to retrieve data from a database. Whenever you want to access data from database you should use Sql commands for this Purpose .
On receiving the request, DBMS system processes that request by retrieving data from the database. This process of requesting data from a database is called a database query and hence SQL.
A database query can be very simple to very complex query .
SQL Commands
Commanda under sql can divided into three sections as described Below
Data Types
Now Discususing about Datatypes in Sql languge which will be very useful for making and executing the Queries for your requirements .
Char : Fixed Length Character String (Max range : 2000 bytes)
Varchar2(n) : Variable length Character String (Max range : 4000 bytes)
Long: Variable length Character String (max one column in a table) (Max range: 2GB)
Number (p, s): Numbers P for Precision and s for scale.
Date: Date and time (dd-mon-yy format)
Raw and Long Raw: Binary data
Object Naming Rules
Rules that must be followed for namimg conventions in Sql langauge are given below :
More About SQL Commands
Data Definition Language:
Create Table Command
If the user wants to create a new table you should use the following query :
Create table
Alter Table Command
If the user wants to add column to the existing table use the following query :
Alter table
If the user wants to modify column in the existing table use the following query :
Alter table
If the user wants to drop column in existing table use the following query :
Alter table
Drop, Truncate Commands
If the user wants to drop the table use :
drop table
If the user wants to delete all records from the table but not the table use :
truncate table
desc Command
If the user wants to view the structure of the table use :
Other SQL Commands
Data Manipulation Language Commands :
Insert Table Command
If the user wants to insert data in a table use:
insert into
insert into
Select Table Command
If the user wants to display data in a table use:
select * from
select distinct from
Update Table Command
If the user wants to modify data in a table use:
Delete Table Command
If the user wants to delete data in a table use:
delete from
delete from
Rest of SQL Commands
Data/Transaction Control Language Commands:
Commit Command
If the user wants to save all work done use:
Savepoint Command
Savepoints are markers to divide a very lengthy transaction to smaller ones. They are used to identify a point in transaction to which we can later rollback;
Undo the work done
Rollback to savepoint
Grant permission to other users use:
Grant all on
Grant select, update on
Revoke Command
Revoke permission from other users use:
Revoke all on
Revoke select, update on
SQL Operators in Sql Language
Arithmetic Operators:
+ – * /
Comparison Operators
= != < > <= >=
between, not between, in, like, not like, is null, is not null
Logical Operators:
and, not, or
Concatenation Operators
SQL Constraints
Not Null
On delete cascade
JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)
It is a software layer that allows developers to write real client-server projects in Java.
JDBC was designed to be a very compact, simple interface focusing on the execution of raw SQL statements and retrieving the results.
The components of JDBC are Application, Driver manager and Driver.
JDBC Components
Invokes methods to send SQL statements to the database and retrieve the results.
Driver Manager
Loads specific drivers for the user application
Processes methods invocation, sends SQL statements to a data source & returns results-back to application.
JDBC Driver Models
Two Tier Model
Java Applications interact directly with the database. This type pf model is called as client-server configuration where user is the client and database machine is called as server.
Three Tier Model
A middle tier is introduced, which is used to collect SQL from the client and handed over to the database and collect the results from the database and handed to the client.
JDBC Vs. ODBC Important Differences
ODBC cannot be directly used with Java because it uses a C interface. ODBC makes use of pointers which have been totally removed from Java Langauge thats why ODBC cannot be used in Java.
ODBC requires manual installation of the ODBC driver manager and driver on all client machines.
JDBC drivers are written in Java and JDBC code is automatically installable, secure and portable on all java platforms.
JDBC features
The JDBC API defines a set of interfaces and classes to be used for communications with a database. These interfaces and classes are found in the java.sql package.
The results of the SQL statements are stored in ResultSet object and getXXX method used to retrieve the data from ResultSet.
DSN(Data Source Name )
Types of DSN
Steps in Java Database Connectivity
Steps for SQL Commands (except select)
1. class.forName (”sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver”);
2. Connection c= DriverManager.getConnection (“Jdbc.odbc:DSN”);
3. Statement s = c.createStatement( );
4. s.executeUpdate (“ SQL INSERT/UPDATE”);
Steps Used for SELECT
1. class.forName (”sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver”);
2. Connection c= DriverManager.getConnection (“Jdbc.odbc:DSN”, “Username”, “Password”);
3. Statement s = c.createStatement( );
4. ResultSet rs =s.executeQuery (“ SQL INSERT/UPDATE”);
Steps Used for SELECT
ResultSetMetaData rsmd =rs.getMetaData( );
int count =rsmd.getColumnCount( );
for(int j=0; j<=count; j++)
System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName( j)+”\t”);
Steps Used for SELECT
6. while ( ) );
for(int j=0; j<=count; j++)
System.out.println( rs.getString( j)+”\t”);
7. s.close( );
8. c.close( );
returns boolean value.
Returns nothing.
Returns ResultSet (Applicable for select query)
Statement s = c.createStatement(
First Parameters is
Second parameters is
ResultSet Methods
Cursor moves to the last record + 1
Cursor moves backward
absolute (int)
Cursor moves to absolute position
relative (int)
Cursor moves to relative position
ResultSet Methods
Cursor moves to the last record
Update some Column Value
Row could be inserted.
updateRow() / insertRow();
Update/Insert all changes done above this function.
Example :
ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery (“select * from student’);
while (rs.previous( ) );
for(int j=0; j<=count; j++)
System.out.println( rs.getString( j)+”\t”);
Example : Update Values
ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery (“select * from student’);
rs.updateDouble (“Percentage”, 85.55);
rs.updateInt (“Marks”, 1255);
Example : Insert Values
ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery (“select * from student’);
rs.updateString (“Name”, “Amit”);
rs.updateDouble (“Percentage”, 85.55);
rs.updateInt (“Marks”, 1255);
Batch Update
A batch update is a set of multiple update/insert statements that is submitted to the database for processing as a batch.
addBatch (“SQL Query”);
Create a new Batch which is a set of multiple insert or update statements.
Int executeBatch();
Execute the batch.
Batch Update : Example
All insert Statement get executed or none of it executed.
Statement s= c.createStatement();
s.addBatch (“Insert Statement – 1”);
s.addBatch (“Insert Statement – 2”);
s.addBatch (“Insert Statement – 3”);
s.addBatch (“Insert Statement – 4”);
s.addBatch (“Insert Statement – 5”);
Questions for Revision of Above Topic?
What are different components of JDBC?
Differentiate between JDBC and ODBC.
Explain the concept of batch update in JDBC.