Stack Operations using C Language
Implement stack as an abstract data type (ADT) using linked list.
Use this ADT for
- infix to prefix conversion
- infix to post fix conversion
- evaluation of post fix expression
Stack Operations using C Language Code
#include #include #include #include #include typedef struct stack { char data; struct stack * link; }stack; typedef struct eval { float data; struct eval * link; }eval; typedef struct val { char data; float value; struct val * link; }val; int pinppost(char); int pstppost(char); int pinppre(char); int pstppre(char); float posteval(char []); float preeval(char []); void create(char []); void postfix(char [],char []); void prefix(char [],char []); void display(char []); void main() { int ch; float j; char str[50],str1[50],str2[50]; float dummy; &dummy; str[0]=NULL; str1[0]=NULL; str2[0]=NULL; clrscr(); do { clrscr(); printf("\n\t\tOPERATION ON STACK\n\t\t1.INFIX EXPRESSION\n\t\t2.INFIX TO PREFIX\n\t\t3.INFIX TO POSTFIX\n\t\t4.EVALUATION FOR PREFIX\n\t\t5.EVALUATION FOR POSTFIX\n\t\t6.EXIT"); printf("\n\t\tENTER UR CHOICE"); flushall(); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("\n\t\tINFIX EXPRESSION:"); create(str); display(str); break; case 2: if(str[0]==NULL) printf("enter input first"); else { printf("\n\t\tINFIX TO PREFIX :"); prefix(str,str2); printf("\nINFIX EXPRESSION IS:"); display(str); printf("\nPREFIX EXPRESSION IS:"); display(str2); } getch(); break; case 3: if(str[0]==NULL) printf("enter input first"); else { printf("\n\t\tINFIX TO POSTFIX EXPRESSION"); postfix(str,str1); printf("\nINFIX EXPRESSION IS:"); display(str); printf("\nPOSTFIX EXPRESSION IS:"); display(str1); } getch(); break; case 4: if(str[0]==NULL||str2[0]==NULL) printf("either you havnt given input or you havnt done conversion,first do that part "); else { printf("\n\t\tEVALUATION ON PREFIX EXPRESSION"); j=preeval(str2); printf("\nVALUE EVALUATED IS:%f",j); } getch(); break; case 5: if(str[0]==NULL||str1[0]==NULL) printf("either you havnt given input or you havnt done conversion,first do that part "); else { printf("\n\t\tEVALUATION ON POSTFIX EXPRESSION"); j=posteval(str1); printf("\nVALUE EVALUATED IS:%f",j); } getch(); break; case 6: printf("\n\t\tEXIT"); break; } }while(ch!=6); } void create(char str[]) { int rank=0,i=0,j=0,k,m,l; while(1) { str[i]=getche(); i++; if(str[i-1]=='\r') { if(rank!=1||j!=0||i<=2) { printf("\ninvalid exprexion,enter from starting"); j=0; rank=0; i=0; } else break; } else if(str[i-1]=='(') if(rank==1) { printf("\ninvalid exprexion,enter from starting"); i=0; j=0; rank=0; } else j++; else if(str[i-1]==')') if(rank==0) { printf("\ninvalid exprexion,enter from starting"); i=0; j=0; rank=0; } else j--; else if(str[i-1]=='+'||str[i-1]=='-'||str[i-1]=='*'|| str[i-1]=='^'||str[i-1]=='/') rank=rank-1; else if((str[i-1]>=48&&str[i-1]<=57)||(str[i-1]>=65&&str[i-1]<=90)||(str[i-1]>=97&&str[i-1]<=122)) rank=rank+1; else if(str[i-1]!=')'&&str[i-1]!='(') { printf("\ninvalid entry,enter from starting"); i=0; j=0; rank=0; } if((rank!=1&&rank!=0)||j<0) { printf("\ninvalid exprexion,enter from starting"); i=0; j=0; rank=0; } } str[i]=NULL; } void display(char str[]) { int i=0; while(str[i]!=NULL) { printf("%c",str[i]); i++; } getch(); } void prefix(char str[],char str2[]) { int i,l,j; stack *nw,*top,*top1=NULL; l=strlen(str); i=l-1; for(j=l;j>0;j--) str[j]=str[j-1]; str[j]='#'; nw=(stack *)malloc(sizeof(stack)); nw->data='#'; top=nw; while(1) { while(pinppre(str[i])<pstppre(top->data)) { nw=(stack *)malloc(sizeof(stack)); nw->data=top->data; nw->link=top1; top1=nw; nw=top; top=top->link; free(nw); } if(pinppre(str[i])==pstppre(top->data)) { if(top->data=='#') break; nw=top; top=top->link; free(nw); i--; } else { nw=(stack *)malloc(sizeof(stack)); nw->data=str[i--]; nw->link=top; top=nw; } } for(j=0;j<l;j++) <br=""> { str[j]=str[j+1]; } str[l]=NULL; j=0; while(top1!=NULL) { str2[j]=top1->data; nw=top1; top1=top1->link; free(nw); j++; } str2[j]=NULL; } void postfix(char str[],char str1[]) { int l,i,j; stack *nw,*top; i=j=0; l=strlen(str); str[l-1]='#'; nw=(stack *)malloc(sizeof(stack)); nw->data='#'; top=nw; while(1) { while(pinppost(str[i])<pstppost(top->data)) { str1[j++]=top->data; nw=top; top=top->link; free(nw); } if(pinppost(str[i])==pstppost(top->data)) { if(top->data=='#') break; nw=top; top=top->link; free(nw); i++; } else { nw=(stack *)malloc(sizeof(stack)); nw->data=str[i++]; nw->link=top; top=nw; } } str[l-1]=NULL; str1[j]=NULL; } int pinppost(char c) { switch(c) { case '#': return(-1); case '*': case '/': return(3); case '+': case '-': return(1); case '^': return(6); case '(': return(8); case ')': return(0); } return(7); } int pstppost(char c) { switch(c) { case '#': return(-1); case '*': case '/': return(4); case '+': case '-': return(2); case '^': return(5); case '(': return(0); } return(7); } int pinppre(char c) { switch(c) { case '#': return(-1); case '*': case '/': return(4); case '+': case '-': return(2); case '^': return(5); case '(': return(0); case ')': return(8); } return(7); } int pstppre(char c) { switch(c) { case '#': return(-1); case '*': case '/': return(3); case '+': case '-': return(1); case '^': return(6); case ')': return(0); } return(7); } float posteval(char str1[]) { val *nw,*t,*top=NULL; eval *nw1,*top1=NULL; int i; float opr1; char op; i=0; for(i=0;str1[i]!=NULL;i++) { if(str1[i]!='+'&&str1[i]!='-'&&str1[i]!='*'&& str1[i]!='^'&&str1[i]!='/') { nw=top; while(nw!=NULL) { if(str1[i]==nw->data) break; nw=nw->link; } if(nw==NULL) { nw=(val *)malloc(sizeof(val)); nw->data=str1[i]; printf("ENTER THE VALUE OF %c:",str1[i]); scanf("%f",&(nw->value)); nw->link=top; top=nw; } nw1=(eval *)malloc(sizeof(eval)); nw1->data=nw->value; nw1->link=top1; top1=nw1; } else { op=str1[i]; opr1=top1->data; nw1=top1; top1=top1->link; free(nw1); switch(op) { case '*':opr1=top1->data*opr1; break; case '/':opr1=top1->data/opr1; break; case '+':opr1=top1->data+opr1; break; case '-':opr1=top1->data-opr1; break; case '^':opr1=pow(top1->data,opr1); break; } top1->data=opr1; } } opr1=top1->data; free(top1); return(opr1); } float preeval(char str[]) { val *nw,*t,*top=NULL; eval *nw1,*top1=NULL; int i,n; float opr1,opr2; char op; i=0; for(i=0;str[i]!=NULL;i++) { if(str[i]!='+'&&str[i]!='-'&&str[i]!='*'&& str[i]!='^'&&str[i]!='/') { nw=top; while(nw!=NULL) { if(str[i]==nw->data) break; nw=nw->link; } if(nw==NULL) { nw=(val *)malloc(sizeof(val)); nw->data=str[i]; printf("ENTER THE VALUE OF %c:",str[i]); scanf("%f",&(nw->value)); nw->link=top; top=nw; } opr1=nw->value; while(1) { if(top1==NULL||top1->data=='+'||top1->data=='-'||top1->data=='*'||top1->data=='/'||top1->data=='^') break; opr2=top1->data; nw1=top1; top1=top1->link; free(nw1); op=(char)top1->data; nw1=top1; top1=top1->link; free(nw1); switch(op) { case '*':opr1=opr2*opr1; break; case '/':opr1=opr2/opr1; break; case '+':opr1=opr2+opr1; break; case '-':opr1=opr2-opr1; break; case '^':opr1=pow(opr2,opr1); break; } } nw1=(eval*)malloc(sizeof(eval)); nw1->data=opr1; nw1->link=top1; top1=nw1; } else { nw1=(eval*)malloc(sizeof(eval)); nw1->data=(float)str[i]; nw1->link=top1; top1=nw1; } } opr1=top1->data; free(top1); return(opr1); }